“If you were made to create, you won’t feel whole and healthy and alive until you do.”
Life is both bitter and sweet, author Shauna Niequist has come to realize after going through several heartbreaking and wonderful seasons. She has had wonderful jobs, friends and family moments. She has also experienced losing a job, moving far away from family and the grief of a miscarriage. In Bittersweet, Niequist opens her life and heart up to readers, hoping they can see that bitter and sweet times can exist in the same season and you don’t have to wait for one season to pass to experience the joy in life now.
I have read most of Niequeist’s books, but hadn’t read Bittersweet yet, so I bought the book knowing I would most likely want to keep it on my bookshelf along with her other books. I have read Savor, Present Over Perfect, Bread and Wine and Cold Tangerines and have enjoyed and learned from each one.
My favorite part of the book is when Niequist talks about the writing process and how she allows herself the time and space to create. I could relate to a lot of what she said in that chapter! Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of her life and a lesson learned. I will remember when she finally realized she didn’t have to wait for the season of grief from her miscarriage to pass, but that she could live and find happiness while feeling her grief. Sometimes I felt like I was reading a personal journal and I was grateful Niequist was brave enough to be honest and share her struggles, thoughts and feelings.
I would highly recommend this book to any woman as we all deal with the ups and downs of life. You will feel as if you are going on the journey along with Niequist as a friend and companion. Her lessons learned are ones we can all learn from to enjoy the life we have now.
Have you read any Niequist’s book? Which one is your favorite? Comment below!