Fearless Parenting by George Barna and Jimmy Myers

Fearless Parenting

“Are parents today facing issues that would have been unthinkable to their grandparents’ generation? Yep.”

Parenting children today is hard. There are so many new situations to deal with, especially with technology. Cell phones, social media, cyberbullying – many of these things our own parents didn’t have to deal with when raising us. In Fearless Parenting, the two authors work together to bring the data of today’s issues into easy to use tips in raising kids today.

I requested Fearless Parenting as part of Baker Books Bloggers and was given a free copy in exchange for a fair review. I am happy to read any tips on how to raise children today as I have four children and the oldest ones are on the verge of hitting teenage-hood.

In twelve chapters, the authors discuss parenting techniques and specific situations and topics that are relevant to today. First, they make the case that parents should not parent out of fear, but with an attitude based on Biblical values and perspectives. There are chapters about children’s spiritual growth, rejecting materialism, social media and smartphone use and consistency. Each chapter also has tips, questions, rules or stories to emphasize the topic and give parents actual tools to use.

I found this book very helpful and will add it to my home library with my parenting books. The book is well researched so all the tips are very practical and have reasons as to why they should be implemented. Having confidence as a parent will definitely help my children. I would recommend this book to any parent. It is written from a Christian perspective.

What is the best parenting advice you’ve ever been given? Comment below!

Buy the book here (affiliate link).

About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.