“True terror isn’t being scared; it’s not having a choice.” Aza seriously wonders if her life is real or if it’s a movie, orchestrated by powers stronger than her. At 16, she faces the same ordeals most teenagers face, but her problems are deeper and more real. She spirals in […]
“We are made up of the same atoms and the same light signals as are exchanged between pine trees in the mountains and stars in the galaxies.” Physics was the only class I’ve ever taken that I couldn’t wrap my mind around. The equations seemed to deal with the abstract, […]
I guess you truly know you’re a bibliophile (book lover) when you read a book about reading books. Anne Bogel is a fellow book lover who has a well-known book blog called Modern Mrs. Darcy. She loves books and decided to write a book that all book lovers can appreciate. She explores how people fall in love with reading, all the readers we’ve been in our lives and how bookshelves can be organized. In each chapter of I'd Rather Be Reading, she talks about books that formed her into the person that she is today.
In May, I read 14 books! A road trip helped me with that total as I often read several books during the drive. I even got to read on the beach! I read some really good fiction, a memoir, a book about real estate, my favorite author's new release, some motivational books and a marriage book. I really enjoy when I read a wide variety of books in a month!
We all have the same amount of time in the day. How are we spending that time? Are we trying to get as much done as possible or are we focusing on getting the right things done according to our priorities? In Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown, the author looks at how there are two kinds of people and shows how you can work toward being a person who gets the right things done instead of just spinning your wheels trying to get everything done.