Breakthrough is the story of a miracle. A teenage boy falls through the ice into a lake and is submerged for 20 minutes. He has no heartbeat for an hour. Yet, less than a month after the accident, he walks out of the hospital with no signs of trauma anywhere on or in his body.
Last November, I participated in NaNoWriMo and wrote an entire novel in a month. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and it challenges people to write 50,000 words during November. I finished The Ring then and then worked on editing it during the next few months. I also started contacting agents to try and get the book published.
I would highly recommend Go See the Principal to every school staff member and parent with a child in school. While you will laugh, you will also learn or be reminded of several key aspects of how we can all work together for the best interests of the children.
Are you a parent having difficulties with a preteen or teenager? If so, you’ll find some great tips to help you in Have a New Teenager by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman.
Daisy Jones & The Six is a very captivating book. It’s written in an interview style with the author going chronologically through the story, but telling it in each character’s own words.
Robinson Crusoe's boat is shipwrecked and he is the lone survivor on an island. As the days turn into years, he realizes that his chance for rescue is very slim and he focuses on creating a life for himself on the island.
“A ballpark at night is more like a church than a church.” Baseball fans have watched the movie Field of Dreams, but I don’t know if many of them have read the book the movie is based on – Shoeless Joe. The movie follows the book very closely. “If you […]