“Looking back now, I can see that all of this was God, gently, gradually, separating me unto Himself, preparing me for the life to which he had called me, and which I so wanted.”
Miracles do still happen. Rita Klaus experienced one by just asking. She grew up always knowing that she wanted to be a Catholic nun. She attended Catholic school, sung at mass and had a deep prayer life. She was accepted into a convent at the age of 15 and started down the road she thought God wanted her to be on. Life ended up taking many different turns before she found out what He really had in store for her.
My husband and his family knew of Rita Klaus and her story from living in the same area she lived in when she experienced her miracle. I had often heard them tell the story (which has been featured on Unsolved Mysteries) that I looked to see if there was a book about her life. I found out she had written one in 1993. The copy I bought from Amazon is even signed by her.
Rita’s Story reads like a novel, but it’s a biography. Around the age of 18, Rita developed signs of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She experienced remission for a while and served in many places as a nun and teacher. However, the symptoms returned and were so severe that she has to leave the convent and try to live life on her own. She found work as a teacher and experienced one more remission. She met and married a man and had three children before MS struck again – to the surprise of her husband, whom she hadn’t told. She fought depression and felt anger toward God. Then she heard about Medjugorje and heard a voice asking her why she didn’t just ask. So, she did and after she prayed for healing, she was able to walk and run and jump after being confined to a wheelchair.
It’s a true, verifiable miracle and I would highly recommend this book to any adult. Her story is incredible and she is honest with her struggles – physically, spiritually and emotionally. It’s a story you won’t forget reading!
Do you know any miracle stories? Share them in the comments below!