“Restaurants are minefields for the socially inept.”
Don Tillman is a smart man – a professor of genetics – yet, he is both socially and emotionally challenged. While he would like to start a long-term relationship with a woman, he never seems to keep their attention for more than a few minutes. The perfect woman must be out there, so he creates a questionnaire for women to fill out so he can find someone compatible. After more than 300 women are weeded out of The Wife Project, a woman shows up on his door who may be perfectly un-perfect – Rosie.
The Rosie Project was the pick for September’s moms book club. I was actually in charge of choosing the book this month and I knew a lot of moms wanted something that was a little more fun and light. The summary of this book seemed to fit the bill just right. It was a very fun book to read.
As Don and Rosie get to know each other, they are mainly focused, in Don’s view, on finding out who Rosie’s father is. Rosie’s mother died when Rosie was a young girl and her stepfather said they both knew he wasn’t her father because he had brown eyes and she had blue. Her father must have been someone at her mother’s med school graduation party. Their quest to gather the DNA of everyone from the party creates a bond between the two that is intensified when they both travel from Europe to New York City for the final few DNA samples. While Don doesn’t feel like he can fall in love, he starts to get used to having Rosie in his life. (I won’t give away the ending.)
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who needs a fun, light book, but also one that is well-written. It would be a fun book to discuss at a book club. It is for adults, with cursing and romance, but it is easy to get in to and is not very long.
Have you read The Rosie Project? What was your favorite part? Comment below!