“Life is hard. Have tea.”
Lily Ross is the wife of Sheriff Daniel Ross, mother to two children with one on the way and daughter of a coal miner who died trying to rescue miners. Everyone in the area lives each day hoping to not hear the siren from the mines. Talk of miners creating a union is getting stronger as the mine owner wants to reopen the “widowmaker” – a shaft that collapsed and killed many good men. Lily doesn’t know her husband has taken the miners’ side until he is murdered. In the wake of his death, she is offered his job as sheriff until a special election can be held. The town thinks she’ll just be a placeholder, but she can’t rest until she sees justice done for her husband’s death.
The Widows is Ohio’s book for its One Book, Many Communities program for March 2020. Libraries across the state are encouraging people to read the book and then participate in library events during March and April related to the book. The author lives in Ohio and the book is loosely based on the true story of Ohio’s first woman sheriff. I picked it up at my local library one day. I was lucky – there was only one copy left!
While digging into the facts surrounding her husband’s murder, Lily finds Daniel’s first lover, Marvena, who lives near the mining town and has an older daughter who might be Daniel’s. Lily discovers her and her husband kept some deep secrets from each other. As Lily gets closer to the truth, she has to decide if she will work with Marvena and if the risk is worth it.
The Widows was a fantastic read. I read it in just a few days. The book is well-paced and the characters come alive quickly. Living in Ohio, the book was very interesting to me. Readers of good fiction will enjoy this book.
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