“Consider first who your child is, how she learns, where she shines. Education is one of several tools to be placed in a box of resources of preparation; it’s not the container of all potential, all destiny, all future. You child is the container.”
Parenting is hard and one of the hardest part is that each and every child is so different. What works and motivates one child will not work on another. Each child is an original. By being able to understand the personality and gifts of each of your children, and your own, you might gain some insight in how to better parent each individual child.
I received this book from Zondervan press in exchange for a fair review. It was actually on my list of books to read before the opportunity came up to request a copy for review. Another friend had read it and had highly recommended it. I’m always looking for tips in how to be a better parent.
The author, Julie Lyles Carr, is a blogger and most of the book is written in “blogging style,” with short sections within each chapter. The book is broken down into five parts. She discusses why each child is original, parenting pitfalls we encounter, learning about children’s personalities, how to put what you learned into practice and remembering our goal is to launch our children into the world. I found the personality tests very intriguing. I did it for all my children and you ask the older ones to help choose words that describe them. Sometimes they choose words different from the ones I thought they would choose. It was insightful and it will help me as a parent each one.
I would highly recommend this book to any parent. I think learning about your child’s unique personality definitely helps in parenting so you know how to motivate that child. The book is written from a Christian perspective.
Buy the book here (affiliate link).