This post was originally posted on The Catholic Writers Guild blog on Sept. 27, 2022.
Last year was the first year we did a homeschool co-op with our children. It was just our second year of homeschooling and we were still getting used to our “new normal.” The co-op just met twice a month on Fridays, and the classes were fun and interesting.
But, on most days, we didn’t want to go. We were tired. The co-op felt loud and stressful. I taught two classes and needed to get lesson plans added to my week. The children didn’t sit still and raise their hands.
Then, after a few meetings, I didn’t like how much we were complaining, I realized what needed to change was my attitude. I changed my “I have to” to “I get to,” and things got more enjoyable very quickly. I took it for what it was, not what I wanted it to be or what I was used to school looking like.
I’m trying to take this new attitude into my writing life now. I have four drafts of novels written, and they all need to be…oh, it’s dreadful…edited.
Writing seems easy—taking an idea and getting it down is something I can do with just a few times of perseverance needed. I enjoy that part of the process. Editing, on the other hand, feels like work to me. The words can’t just flow—they’re already there and need to be made better. Add more dialogue. Develop the characters more. Add descriptions and take out redundancies. Editing is work.
But editing is work I get to do.
I was able to accomplish the huge task of finishing a first draft amidst a life where I homeschool, volunteer, garden—I won’t list everything out. I have a family who is very supportive and wants to see my next book out into the world for people to read. I get to delve into this story and this world I imagined and make sure it comes to life for the readers. I’m grateful I have a life that is balanced enough that, most days, I can find a small pocket of time to work on my books.
In fact, as soon as I finish the draft of this blog post, I am going to begin the editing process. But, first, let me write out a prayer to say every time I sit down to edit.
Eternal God,
Thank you for this day and for the gifts you have given me. As I take some time to edit this book today, please let me be thankful. Guide the story and help me make it come alive. Help me to remember that you gave me the gift of writing and gave me the idea for this book. This is an activity that I get to do and I am grateful.