“And so it was in this strange way, no longer so welcome in my previous circles, that I somehow became a fish out of water once more.”
Anyone who knew Eric Metaxas before his conversion to Christianity would probably never have ever guessed that he would become an outspoken defender of his faith. Fish Out of Water is his autobiography of how his life brought him to the moment when a dream would cause him to change his entire life. His story starts when his Greek father and German mother met as immigrants in America. He grew up with a little faith and a little church, but it mostly went out the window by the time he went to college.
I have read several of Metaxas’ books and even follow his podcast. His biographies of Martin Luther and Dietrich Bonhoeffer are books I highly recommend. He’s also done a book on Miracles and several small biographical books – 7 Men and 7 Women. His writing is engaging and not dry, which is a key when writing non-fiction.
The stories Metaxas share about his life growing up, during college and the few years after college weave together a tale of a man who could only be reached by a dream that would only make sense to him. God reached to him for a specific purpose and Metaxas makes an impact in the world to reaching kids with VeggieTales to advocating for life and prayer for our nation.
Every fan of Metaxas should read Fish Out of Water to get to know him better. He alludes to a possibly sequel full of “miraculous” events and I would really like to read it.
To see a video about Metaxas’ dream, visit https://www.iamsecond.com/film/eric-metaxas/.
Have you read any of Metaxas’ books? Share in the comments!
Buy Fish Out of Water here (affiliate link).