

Sarah Anne fell in love with reading and writing at an early age. As a child, she could be found curled up with a book or writing a creative story. She had a poem published at age 10 and won many summer library reading programs. As a military brat, she grew up all over the world, including Japan and Germany. She has a masters degree in Journalism and has worked for several newspapers, including Air Force publications. She worked in Air Force Public Affairs for many years at three military bases. Freelance work has led her to the blogging world where she has numerous guest blogs posts and a book review blog of her own. She has published four novels. The Ring is a contemporary clean military romance. Life After is a young adult/middle grade dystopian novel. Orphan Wish Island is a young adult/middle grade fantasy novel. The Cookie Connection is a clean, holiday romance set in Springfield, Ohio. Read more about Sarah Anne’s books at www.sarahannecarter.com/books.


Photos may be stock photos or graphics from Goodreads or The Survival Mom. There may be affiliate links on this Web site as well. 

All content is copyrighted by Sarah Anne Carter.