“Do not overthink and analyze the situation you’re about to encounter, the voice had said to her.”
Set a mere 19 years in the future, American Omens brings to life an America where Christianity is considered a hateful thing and is slowly being outlawed and made illegal. Books are censored, churches are monitored and people who proselytize disappear. It is also a world where everyone has a SNYAPSYS implanted that connects him or her to each other and information. Yet, some people manage to live off the grid and start an underground revolution to warn people about their lack of freedoms and need for salvation. Cheyenne Burne knows nothing about the revolution until her father, who disappeared for believing, contacts her to ask for her help in their mission.
American Omens is a new release from Multnomah Publishing. I am part of their book launch team and received a free copy of this book (an uncorrected proof) in exchange for a fair review. I have not read anything by this author before, but the plot sounded interesting and reminded me of Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker.
Dowland is a man who has been hired to track down the man behind the revolution and stop him. A gun for hire, he faces his own past and demons as he tries to track down the leader, called The Reckoner. Along the way, a bookstore owner is also called to join the revolution as his father is one of the most powerful men in the country. He doesn’t know if he can risk his family’s safety to help the mission.
American Omens is fast-paced and fairly realistic in its depiction of a possible future where technology is almost in control of every facet of peoples’ lives. The novel is meant to be a message to America to not go down the path. Some of the religious talk comes across as awkward in parts and the ending makes me think a sequel will be coming, but I did find the book interesting. I think adults of Christian fiction, especially of Peretti and Dekker, will enjoy this book.
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