Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.
Any parent who has a worrier could use Raising Worry-Free Girls in their house. It is a book to go back to many times to try different tips with different children.
In Hercule Poirot's Christmas, Simeon Lee has gathered his family back home for Christmas. Four sons, their wives and one granddaughter are present the day that ends with him being murdered.
The Christmas Light is a story of finding the hope needed to move forward after facing a huge loss. The book has Christian themes of love and hope without being preachy.
I laughed several times while listening to the audiobook of Christmas Letters. The thoughts in Katherine’s head are very realistic. Each character comes to life rather quickly and makes for an interesting cast.
The 13th Day of Christmas is a bittersweet holiday book. The light-heartened of the letters and presents is a contrast to the darkness of cancer, depression and financial struggles. It is a story of hope and how loving one person can often change your life.
I read The Noel Letters in one day and was so glad for this story. It’s a story focused on a father and daughter relationship and how we can see just the side of the story we want to see. The truth is out there if we want to find it, though.
Anxious People follows the lives of several characters during the hostage situation, but also does flashbacks of their lives. While there are quite a few characters, the plot is easy to follow.