The Sacred Enneagram by Christopher Heuertz and The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile

“The contemporary Enneagram of Personality … exposes nine ways we lie to ourselves about who we think we are, nine ways we can come clean about those illusions, and nine ways we can find our way back to God.”
While the Enneagram may be the newest fad in personality tests, it has been around for centuries. I originally heard about the Enneagram in Anne Bogel’s book, Reading People. I started to research it and started coming across more books and podcasts that referenced the Enneagram system. A few months ago, I read one of the recommended overview books on it, The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron. (I’m a Type One.) I’ve wanted to learn more since then and I heard about The Sacred Enneagram and The Path Between Us on The Crystal Paine podcast.
The Sacred Enneagram focuses on how the Enneagram can help a person on his or her faith journey. He looks at each type and explores how that type can use silence, solitude or stillness. For Christians, this book is a tangible way to put the Enneagram into practice to get closer to God. There are chapters on each type, so the book could be read quickly if you only want to learn about your type. I found it very insightful.
The Path Between Us focuses on the relationships between the types of Enneagrams. If you wonder how you and your spouse, friend and/or children’s Enneagram types mesh with yours, this is the book to turn to. The book goes in-depth on each type to give a deep explanation of how that type acts and why. Then, it tells how that type relates to each of the other types. It shoes what the types can learn from each other. I think this would be a great reference book to have on a shelf next to The Road Back to You.
For people interested in learning more about the Enneagram after reading an overview book like The Road Back to You, both of these books are great options. They can be read quickly by focusing on your own type or in whole to learn more about all the types.
I enjoy personality types and learning more about who I am. Do you? Share your personality types (including Enneagram) in the comments below!