“There are times when you need God to just be God.”
Breakthrough is the story of a miracle. A teenage boy falls through the ice into a lake and is submerged for 20 minutes. He has no heartbeat for an hour. Yet, less than a month after the accident, he walks out of the hospital with no signs of trauma anywhere on or in his body. His parents, family, friends, pastors and even doctors have no explanation other than they asked God to show up and heal him.
I saw the preview for the movie based on Breakthrough and put the book on my to-read list. My children really want to see the movie but I wanted us to read the story first. I bought the book when it was on sale as an ebook and read it a few weeks later. A few of my children are now reading it as well.
John Smith experienced his first miracle when he was adopted at just a few months old and rescued from being malnourished. When his mother came into the emergency room after CPR had been performed for almost an hour, he needed another miracle. His mother prayed that the Holy Spirit would heal him and his heart started beating just then, surprising all the doctors and nurses in the room. Breakthough goes step by step through his hospital stay and all the miracles that happened to bring him to complete healing.
Sometimes a true story reads like fiction and Breakthrough is one of them. It’s hard to believe such a thing happened if you haven’t seen a miracle for yourself. However, there are so many witnesses to John’s story that it must be believed. The book is appropriate for readers middle school age or older. It is very faith oriented. For more on miracles, also read Eric Metaxas’s Miracles book.
Do you have any miracle stories to share?