When I was a freshman at Baylor University, I got a job working at the student newspaper, The Lariat, as a night news editor. It was the spring semester of 1998. It mainly involved editing stories and doing some layout. A few nights, I got to help put the paper […]
Complete list of book reviews Marketing

Do you know how to make your own sewing patterns? Here is a post I wrote for The Survival Mom about how I do it. Sewing is a great skill to know and some people are extremely skilled to the point of artistry. I’ll be honest, though, if you have a […]
Survival Mom DIY: Homemade Sewing Patterns

Learn from my gardening mistakes – my latest post for The Survival Mom. Gardening is one of the top prepper skills needed for survival. Learning how to grow your own food is not something you want to do after a disaster has happened. I can speak from experience when I say […]
Learn From My Many Gardening Mistakes

My new post for The Survival Mom explores 9 reasons to have alcohol on hand – and most of them do not involve drinking it! Bottles of wine, beer, vodka and rum aren’t exactly what first comes to mind when preparing for emergencies, but there are several reasons preppers should consider having […]
9 Reasons Why Every Prepper Should Have A Stash Of ...

My latest post for The Survival Mom is a summer bucket list – for pepper families or any family that wants to work at being a little more prepared for anything life can bring. Let me know if there is anything your family would add to the list! Summer is upon […]