Death Without Company by Craig Johnson

[sg_popup id=”17″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup]Death Without Company

“… passion is a strange thing, a thing that warps and twists everything with which it comes in contact.”

An elderly woman dies in a nursing home, which would normally be a non-event to anyone outside of her family. Another resident wants her room set aside as a crime scene – the resident is Lucian Connally, former sheriff of Absaroka County. When Walt Longmire is called in by Lucian, he finds out that the woman was married to Lucian for a few short hours before her family intervened. Lucian knows his long-lost love was murdered and Longmire doesn’t need to search long to find out Lucian is right.

Death Without Company is a Walt Longmire mystery. My husband and I have been watching the Longmire television series and I read The Cold Dish a few months ago and really liked it. The characters come alive very quickly and the plots are different from the television show for the most part. I plan to read the other Longmire mysteries at some point.

When Longmire finds out the woman was poisoned, he then starts trying to find a motive. Her family assumes her land will be divided among her children, but they are in for a surprise when the will is read. The land is worth a lot of money with the mineral rights and drilling taking place on it. There ends up being several people with motives and Longmire faces danger trying to weed them out.

The Longmire mysteries are very well-written books and any mystery lover would love them. I would recommend them for readers high school age and older. They have enough twists and turns to make the reader keep guessing.

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About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.