The Final Spark (Michael Vey 7) by Richard Paul Evans 1

The Final Spark

“Wisdom is not always cowardice. Boldness is not always courage.”

The final book in the Michael Vey series, The Final Spark, starts with the assumption that Michael has died in the Battle of Hades. There is no trace of him where the lightning hit his body except for burn marks on the ground and sand turned into glass. His friends, the other “Glows” with powers, mourn while they recover only to discover that their enemy’s leader has survived and is still tracking them down. If Hatch captures them, will all their fighting, trials and losses be worth anything?

I read the first six books in the Michael Vey series by Richard Paul Evans in the spring (read the review here). I had read almost all of Evans’ books before that point, but none of his young adult books. My oldest daughter was interested, so we read them together. I preordered The Final Spark so we could get it as soon as it was released. We both read through the last book in less than three days and being a nice mother, I let her read it first.

She said, “Definitely not a disappointment! Plenty of plot twists and amazing detail – I love it!”

Hatch does capture Michael’s friends, except for the two who don’t have any powers. However, it doesn’t take special powers to defeat evil – just determination and thinking. While the ending wasn’t a complete surprise to me (I guessed right), it could be to you, so I won’t give too much away here. It is a satisfying ending, although my daughter and I both thought of several other off-shoot books that could be written from some of the other characters’ points of view.

I am really glad I gave this young adult series a try. It is for a more mature middle school aged child or high-schooler due to the types of evil torture Hatch inflicts on his enemies (for example, rats eat people). It would make a good high school book club series or a great gift for a teenager who enjoys Rick Riordan.

Have you read the Michael Vey series? What is your favorite power that the Glows have? Comment below!

Buy the book here (affiliate link).


About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.