“When you and I choose to believe a lie about ourselves, it’s one of these three lies we believe: I’m helpless. I’m worthless. I’m unlovable.”
We all have times when our brain is just swirling with thoughts and it can seem hard to stop them. Jennie Allen wants to help people fight that battle going on in their heads. She believes that as Christians, we can lean on God to help us change our thought process, thereby changing our emotions and reactions. Often, the thoughts we want to stop are based on lies and those need to be replaced on truth to shift our focus.
I heard about Get Out of Your Head on a podcast and added it to my to-read list. It came available from the library as an ebook after several weeks. It’s not a long books, so I read it in just a few days.
The book is divided into three parts. The author starts addressing how we think when bad thoughts spiral in our heads and looks at certain steps we can take to try to redirect them. She shares a lot of her own stories, including 18 months where she let her thoughts attack her faith. The second section goes over very specific choices each person can make to take action against spiraling thoughts. Spending time with God, being grateful and being honest are three of her suggestions. The book ends by examining what the Bible says about our thoughts and how we can use the Bible to get our mind back on track.
Get Out of Your Head is a very useful book for anyone who has had spiraling thoughts. I highly recommend it to anyone high school age or older, especially anyone who has dealt with anxiety. It would be good to have on a bookshelf as a reference tool and a reminder that even our mind can be given to God.
There are resources for the book at her Web site: https://www.jennieallen.com/gooyh
How do you stop spiraling thoughts? Share your tips in the comments!
Buy Get Out of Your Head here (affiliate link).