“I was a wonderful parent before I had children.”
Parenting is difficult, especially when it comes to disciplining. Many parents just think that if their children would listen, parenting would be so much easier. On the flip side, knowing what your children are thinking and feeling could help parents understand their children better. It’s really all about communication. How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talkby Adele Faber explores how parents can improve communication with their children.
How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talkby Adele Faber was a recommended read in another parenting book I read. I am always looking for good parenting books to help me in my most important job. I waited a long time for the ebook to become available from the library, which I thought was a good sign. Looks like many parents read the book.
Each chapter in the book deals with a parenting topic that revolves around communicating. There are practical tips and exercises for each chapter, too. Overall, acknowledging what a child is feeling can go a long way because then the child knows that he or she is heard. Feeling heard means feeling loved and the communication can be much easier. The author also deals with punishment and discipline by advocating for natural consequences instead.
I think this is a great parenting book and I would highly recommend it to parents, especially those of young children so good habits can start early in the child’s life. Her advice works on toddlers, too. How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk is a book I will be talking about and giving as a gift to new parents.
Buy the book here (affiliate link).

Siblings Without Rivalry
“By valuing and being partial to each child’s individuality, we make sure that each of our children feels like a number one child.”
“To be loved equally,” I continued, “is somehow to be loved less. To be loved uniquely—for one’s own special self—is to be loved as much as we need to be loved.”
Siblings Without Rivalry is a great complement to How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen to Kids Will Talk if you are a parent of more than one child. It is written in the same format with the authors talking to a group of parents who go through one tip a week to help their children get along better. It was originally going to be in the first book, but there was so much material, it became a second book. The best tips come with making a concerted effort to make each child felt heard and treasured as an individual and to treat each child as a individual without comparing them. I highly recommend this book to parents. It is a very good resource!
Buy the book here (affiliate link).
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