“I feel certain of this: I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I weren’t a reader.”
I guess you truly know you’re a bibliophile (book lover) when you read a book about reading books. Anne Bogel is a fellow book lover who has a well-known book blog called Modern Mrs. Darcy. She loves books and decided to write a book that all book lovers can appreciate. She explores how people fall in love with reading, all the readers we’ve been in our lives and how bookshelves can be organized. In each chapter of I’d Rather Be Reading, she talks about books that formed her into the person that she is today.
They think they might love books too much.
I originally found Bogel when I read her first book, Reading People. That book is about personality types. I had seen a few people read I’d Rather Be Reading and had it on my to-read list for a while. When I heard her speak on a podcast, I realized I needed to read her book sooner and start following her blog to see what books she recommends. She also has two podcasts that I plan to start listening to often.
You’re a reader; your hobby is organizing your bookshelves.
Anne Bogel tackles 21 booklover topics in this short, but impactful book. She spent the first years of her marriage and the time of her children’s early childhood living next to a library and she was often there several times a day. She discusses how library deadlines can often influence what a reader reads next and how quickly she reads. She talks about whether books should be read once or often. She also talks about how readers often have guilt, thinking they should be a different kinds of reader.
These readers are acutely aware of their own gap: that divide between what they think their reading life should be like and what it’s really like.
I adored this book and will soon buy a copy to add to my bookshelves. I feel like I found a friend who understands truly what it is to love reading and love books. This book is great for the people who never have enough bookshelf space, who can’t leave a bookstore without a stack of books and who never leave the house without a book tucked in the suitcase, purse or car door. If you love to read, you will love this book about reading.
Do you consider yourself a bibliophile? If so, what is your book lover secret? Share on the blog!