“You mistake love. You think it has to have a future in order to matter, but it doesn’t. It’s the only thing that does not need to become at all. It matters only insofar as it exists. Here. Now. Love doesn’t require a future.”
How much would a dream impact you? One night, Dannie has a dream that shows her what her life is like for one night five years in the future. The dream is so real that she can’t shake it, especially since it shows her with a ring on her finger and sleeping with someone who isn’t her current boyfriend. She goes to counseling, but the only thing that helps is to make herself determined to do everything to not make the dream come true in In Five Years.
I picked In Five Years at random when I was looking for ebooks to check out from my library. The plot seemed really interesting and I do feel a connection to main characters who are Type-A personalities.
As soon as Dannie is confident there is no way her dream could come true in less than a year’s time, her world starts changing rapidly. She starts planning her wedding, but then her best friend gets sick. She feels distant from her fiancé, but work starts requiring more and more of her time. The biggest surprise, though, is when her best friend’s new boyfriend turns out to be the man from her dreams. She fights with her being to make sure the dream doesn’t come true, but the small fraction of hours shown in the dream doesn’t give her the context for why it happened … or will happen.
In Five Years is a book about how people change and that some things in life can’t be forced. I enjoyed the story and really wondered if they dream would come true – and if it did, how it would with Dannie fighting against it. I like the message it brings across – hope and finding one’s true self.
Do you believe dreams have power? Share your thoughts in the comments.