“Loserthink isn’t about being dumb, and it isn’t about being underinformed. Loserthink is about unproductive ways of thinking.”
Loserthink is about seeing what ways we all think about things that just don’t make sense or move us forward to better understand an issue. Sometimes it’s just a matter of not thinking logically, but other times it’s falling easily for a hoax or using a false argument. Loserthink is a good book for everyone to read to become aware of their own weaknesses in how they think about issues, especially during a time when it’s hard to trust social media and the news.
I’ve been a Dilbert fan for years and last year, I read Scott Adam’s book Win Bigly and really enjoyed it. I’ve been following him on Twitter since. When I saw he had Loserthink coming out, I put it on my to-read list and put a hold with my local library. I had to wait several weeks before it became available. My husband wanted to read it, too.
Loserthink goes over how people are thinking in untrained ways and then explores several ways of correct thinking, such as thinking like an engineer, a scientist or an economist. He goes over multiple scenarios in each way to think. Then, the book explores how to help yourself break out of what he calls a “mental prison” and then how to help others do the same. The book looks at various aspects of life, not just politics.
I think Loserthink would be eye-opening to everyone who reads it because we all have areas in our lives where we don’t spend the time to think critically about a topic. However, people who haven’t been taught to think critically and logically growing up will get the most out of this book. I would recommend it to adults who want to see how well they think.
How were you taught to think critically and logically? Share on the blog!