“The essence of prayer is the love of God, not our ability to pray.”
The Lord’s Prayer is a foundational part of Christian prayer. It’s the prayer Jesus taught his disciples when they asked how to pray. In May It Be So: Forty Days With the Lord’s Prayer, the authors use the Lord’s Prayer as a foundation for daily meditation and devotion.
As part of the Multnomah and Waterbrook launch team, I requested an advanced copy of May It Be So to help with its launch. I was given a free copy of the book in exchange for a fair review. I was interested in how well this book could be used as a devotional for a 40-day period like Lent or Advent.
For each daily prayer in May It Be So, there is a saying and a picture to contemplate, along with saying the Lord’s Prayer. Every few days, there is a more in-depth devotional passage with questions to ponder. If used during Lent, the passages could be used on Sundays, since they don’t count as part of the 40 days set aside. While the sayings and photo to contemplate could be thought-provoking, they aren’t specifically religious.
May It Be So would be a good book for someone getting into the habit of doing a daily devotion or meditation. It’s not terribly deep on the surface, but it could be deeper depending on how much the reader puts into it. I do think it would tie in nicely with Lent. The book releases on Sept. 24, 2019.
Do you have a favorite devotional? Share on the blog!