“Because regardless of our destiny, we still have to answer for our actions. We make choices, big and small, every day of our lives, and those choices have consequences.”
Hannah Martin has not felt at home in her adult life anywhere. She’s tried a new city every couple months and finally decides to head back to L.A., where she grew up and spent the last two years of high school living with her best friend. Her parent and little sister had moved to London for a dance opportunity. As she is welcomed back home by her best friend Gabby, she runs into her first love, Ethan. That night her life takes two paths – one where she stays at the party with Ethan and the other where she leaves with Gabby.
Maybe in Another Life explores the idea that what is meant to happen in life will happen, despite the circumstances – yet, many different paths can be the correct path. I read Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid and really enjoyed it. When I saw several people reading Maybe In Another Life, I checked it out from my local library. I hoped it would be as good as Daisy Jones & The Six.
Maybe in Another Life takes the readers through Hannah’s life as she takes these two different paths. When she leaves with Gabby, she gets hit by a car and has to spend months recovering from the accident. When she stays with Ethan, they rekindle their relationship. Both paths bring difficulty to her life, yet as she tackles the challenges life throws at her, Gabby and her family are there to help her and that basis of love helps her take steps forward.
I stayed up too late finishing Maybe In Another Life because I wanted to see how it ended. Each chapter goes back and forth between the two paths of Hannah’s life. Readers of good fiction will enjoy reading this book. It’s fascinating to explore how simple decisions can possibly make our lives take a completely different path than we thought we would take.
Do you think the things that happen to us are meant to be? Share your thoughts in the comments!