I want to aim for “ritual” in my writing in the sense that I have a set time I do it almost every day. I have morning and evening rituals. In the mornings, I enjoy a cup of coffee and read the Bible. Then, I go for a walk and get ready for the day. In the evenings, I stretch and update my health and weather journals before reading in bed.
One ritual I do have with writing is saving! I am constantly backing up my current project on my laptop, on our server, on a backup drive and emailed to myself (a different email to and from). I sometimes will also print out a chapter when I’m done with it. I don’t want to lose my work!
It might all stem from losing an 8-page paper while in high school because I accidentally bumped the power cord. It needed to be 10 pages and it was due the next day. I had last saved it when I was less than 2 pages in. Never again!