“Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it (and sometimes do it even better) with training.”
Is succeeding at something or failing at something all in your head? Your mindset can do a lot to push you in the right direction – if you have the correct mindset. The idea of mindset comes from years of research by Carol S. Dweck into how having the right attitude toward obstacles in life can create a path for success. We all have innate abilities, but we can also learn and train ourselves to do, and succeed, at things we are not naturally talented to do. You can learn to draw, sing, run, play piano, set up a blog, write a book, sew a garment or anything you want – just don’t say you can’t.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success was recommended to me by a friend who said it was a book that really made her think. I waited a few weeks for it to become available as an ebook from my library through the Libby app. The book is powerful, but does not take too long to read.
Dweck sets up the reasoning for having a positive mindset that is open to learning in the beginning of the book. Then, she applies the mindset to different areas of life – sports, business, relationships, parenting, teaching and coaching. In each chapter, she gives very specific cases where mindset helped people succeed. She also offers tips to apply mindset in these areas of your life. At the end of the book, she explains how a person can change his or her mindset.
I learned a lot in this book for both my life personally and especially for my role as a parent. My children can be greatly influenced by talking to them in a way that they know they are valued for their efforts, not their innate talents. I learned that I should make sure my mindset stays open and I don’t get to the point where I think there are some things I cannot do. I can still learn to paint, play the violin, text with two fingers instead of one and publish a book! I highly recommend this book to everyone high school age or older!