The Shell Collector
The Shell Collector is a feel-good, easy read. It would be a perfect vacation/beach read. The book shows how we can all have a profound influence on the lives around us even when we think our impact is small.

The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle

And The Answer Is
Alex Trebek is a well-known person even though he wasn’t considered a super-celebrity persona. The host of Jeopardy! was made famous by that show, but it wasn’t even close to the first game show he hosted. Trebek wrote The Answer Is after being diagnosed with cancer to let the world know a bit more about who he was in his own words.

The Answer Is: … Reflections on my Life by Alex ...

Get Out of Your Head
We all have times when our brain is just swirling with thoughts and it can seem hard to stop them. Jennie Allen wants to help people fight that battle going on in their heads in Get Out of Your Head.

Get Out Of Your Head by Jennie Allen

The Book of Lost Friends
The Book of Lost Friends goes back and forth between the stories of Miss Silva and Hannie. Both stories are fascinating and tell how the people’s history in one small town in the south is intertwined between former slaves and their former masters.

The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate

Wives of Los Alamos
The Wive of Los Alamos tells the story of the families who moved to Los Alamos with their husbands and couldn’t tell anyone where they were going. They would come to find out their husbands were working on the atomic bomb.

The Wives of Los Alamos by TaraShea Nesbit

Atomic Habits
We all want to be the best version of ourselves. By looking at our habits and trying to build up good ones and stop bad ones, we can do just that. Atomic Habits is not just about what habits to have and not have, it’s about how to start small and make it easy to do the things you set your mind to do.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Chapman books
Steven Curtis Chapman is a well-known Christian musician. I have been listening to his music for more than 20 years. He and his wife, Mary Beth, had three children and then adopted three more children from China. Then, the whole world heard that their family suffered a tragic accident – one of their sons hit and killed one of their daughters when she ran in front of his truck. They had to find ways to grieve and lean on each other, all while taking care of the son who was living through a very traumatic event.

Books by the Chapmans