Our last full day in Paris was spent in Montmartre. We took the metro to get there and then instead of climbing another couple hundred stairs, we took an incline tram up to the top of the village. There was the beautiful church Sacre Coeur. Before we went inside the church, we took pictures of the “Sinking House.” The hill is at such of an incline that if you match your phone with the grass, the house behind it looks like it’s sinking.
Inside the church, we were stunned into silence. There has been eucharistic adoration going on at the church for 135 years continuously. There were a few nuns saying prayers as we walked around the church. We saw relics of Pope John Paul II and St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque. We spent a few minutes in adoration ourselves before leaving the church.

We walked around and did some shopping. I bought a painting of Montmartre from a street vendor. We saw a cat wandering around a café. We visited another church – St. Pierre de Montmartre chapel. It was built on a ruined temple to Mars in 1147. It has a baptism font from 1537 and a relic of St. Therese de L’enfant Jesus.

Before we left, we ended up walking by the “I Love You” wall, where I love you is written in 250 languages. We all took pictures in front of it. We had wonderful gelato for our snack that day and the food was good at every restaurant we ate at on our trip.
The next morning we packed up, grabbed breakfast and took a taxi to the airport. On the wall near our gate was: “Paris new vous oubliera pas.” (Paris will never forget you.) We got coffee and lunch before boarding and then headed home. We just slept an hour or two on the flight and were back at our house by 6 p.m. and were asleep within a few hours of getting home. We were not jetlagged that much at all the next day … although we were a bit sad to not be in Paris anymore.