“Girls who worry are not only some of the smartest kids I meet, they’re also some of the kindest. The most thoughtful. The most compliant.”
Anxiety and worry are common emotions for people to have – especially these days. While it can affect everyone, there seems to be a huge impact on girls. Sissy Goff is a counselor who has seen up close what worry and anxiety look like on girls ages three to 18. The affects can be small or debilitating. However, there is hope. While counseling is still the best option for some situations, Goff gives tips for things parents can do at home to work with their children on anxiety and shares insights into why it affects girls so much today.
I heard about Raising Worry-Free Girls on a podcast and put the book on hold through my local library as an ebook. I waited several weeks for it to become available. It is a quick read and is a very practical book, offering a summary and questions at the end of every chapter.
Raising Worry-Free Girls is full of real-life stories and scenarios about what different things cause girls to worry and how it manifests itself. The book is faith-based, but doesn’t just offer prayers and Bible verses. It also gives detailed strategies parents can use with their children – breathing, touching, drawing, talking.
Any parent who has a worrier could use Raising Worry-Free Girls in their house. It is a book to go back to many times to try different tips with different children. Goff also offers a workbook for girls ages 8-11 to work on their worry and anxiety called Braver, Smarter, Stronger. I would highly recommend this to every parent.
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Buy Raising Worry-Free Girls here (affiliate link).