My fourth novel has been released today!
The Cookie Connection is a clean, holiday romance set in Springfield, Ohio. While it’s my fourth book, it’s the first one I have self-published.
Here is the synopsis:
A single gourmet cookie destroyed one relationship and started another.
Breaking up over a cookie seems drastic, but Julie couldn’t stand Nick’s attitude anymore – and he stole her cookie. Her only hope for romance for the holidays is the green-eyed stranger who gave her the cookie that was stolen.
Springfield, Ohio, is a small town and when they meet again, Julie is free to see where it might lead. Right before Christmas, she finds out he’s been keeping secrets from her. She must decide if he’s worth the wait and the risk.
Right now, you can buy the paperback on Amazon or from me at the events I’ll be at during November and December. At the events, I will have a limited number of the cookies featured in the book for sale, too. See my events page for details.
The Kindle version (including Kindle Unlimited) is available starting Nov. 9. You can pre-order it here.
If you read The Cookie Connection, please consider leaving an Amazon review!