We went from wearing shorts to winter coats in the month of October. I put the garden to bed, homeschooled and rand children to all their activities. In the midst of that, here are the books I read in October:
UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson contains some very interesting stories and has a lot of evidence in it that supports the idea that there was a UFO crash at Roswell and that most of the UFO secrets are held at Wright-Patterson. However, the book is slightly dry reading and repetitious at parts. They do talk about three separate UFO crashes, UFO sightings above Air Force bases, military pilots seeing UFOs and metal that can go back to its original shape after being scrunched up.
Set in a dystopian America, Snow Crash offers a glimpse into a world where people escape from their daily lives into the Metaverse. Avatars can visit bars, go to concerts and talk to people from all over the world. They use googles to connect to the virtual reality while the real world is split into hundreds of factions where people are still striving to obtain the ultimate control. There is the mafia, religious sects and a millionaire who all want to be in charge. The mafia uses force, the religious try to convince people rationally and the millionaire is looking to hack into people’s brains.
The moment Oona turns 19, she is whisked from her body into herself at the age of 51. She time travels 32 years into the future in Oona Out of Order. Once there, she finds out from her personal assistant that she time travels every year at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve to another time in her adult life. Once the shock wears off, she tries to see the good in what her life will be like. However, the loss of friendships and love during the time shifts wears down on her soul. One small compensation for her is that she is rich enough to do or buy whatever she wants due to strategic stock market investments through the years.
I’ve read a few of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s books and enjoyed them. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo reads like a biography. It’s the story of a movie star who finally comes out to the world that she loved a woman her whole life – but it it only revealed after she is dead. In the book, she is telling her story to a young author, who the reader is left guessing why Evelyn chose her.
Jonathan Harker is a good lawyer who is happily engaged to Mina. His work takes him to Transylvania where he is virtually imprisoned in Count Dracula’s castle as the count’s next target. He is able to fend off the count and after the count flees, eh is able to escape. His fiancé is called to the hospital to help him recover. Mina has just spent time with her friend Lucy who ends up perishing from wounds inflicted by the Count. Her knowledge of what the Count did to Lucy helps her piece together what happened to her husband in Dracula.
Stephen King is a well-known, best-selling author and is known by people who haven’t even read his books. On Writing is his book on what he knows about the writing craft. Enough people were asking him for writing advice that he put it down on paper for all to read. While it was published in 2000, the advice is still sound today.

If You Only Knew by Jamie Ivey
If You Only Knew is a biography of sorts of how Jamie Ivey struggled with her faith. She grew up in the church, but never really took her faith to heart. She was always trying to figure out what she needed to do to get Jesus to love her. It wasn’t until she found herself in a relationship with a man who truly loved God and sought her for who she was and not what she could offer her that she started to understand God’s love.
I heard about The Obesity Code from a friend’s podcast. She’s a functional medicine doctor and I was fascinated by her discussion about how insulin might be what makes the body store fat. The Obesity Code is a must-read for anyone who has struggled with weight. The author uses science and studies to show how calories in, calories out is not the best way to get to a healthy weight.
What books did you read in October? Share in the comments!