“When any of us mother – when we listen, nurture, nourish, protect – we’re doing sacred work.”
Motherhood is a daily thing and finding a book that can give motivation and inspiration daily while on that journey is a wonderful thing. Savor is a 365-day devotional by Shauna Niequist that I used in 2016. I have read Niequist’s Bread and Wine book and have several of her other books on my to-read list. I enjoy her honest writing style.
Savor gives a Bible passage, thoughts and questions to ponder every day of the year. A journal would be a good complement to write out ponderings or answers to the questions she poses. There are also several very yummy recipes scattered throughout the book. For a while, we had a group that would meet monthly to discuss the previous months devotions and try out the recipes. It was a fun way to go through the book.
One of the themes of the book is to really try and enjoy life where you are at now. She addresses good and bad times and shares her journey with food, friendships, motherhood, loss, community and the state of your soul. Her honestly allows the readers to take a look at their own lives and know that there are others out there who probably feel the same way they are feeling and have gone through similar trials or happy times. We may feel alone on the journey sometimes, but we are not alone.
I found myself being really pushed by some of the entries – especially the ones to slow down and be present in the moment. She reminded me to look for the gifts in every day – the food, the children, the friends. I will be reading her book Present over Perfect this year.
I would definitely use this devotional again, although I might wait a year or two to make it fresh again. I would recommend this to any woman to use, mother or not. (Be prepared that if you read it during a leap year, there is no entry for Feb. 29.)