Stay With Me and Come Back to Me by Carolyn Astfalk 1

Astfalk books

“Well, you’re no worse off than you are right now except that you don’t have to wonder if you did everything you could.”

In Stay With Me, Chris felt drawn to Rebecca the moment he saw her – in loose clothing in a supermarket watching her niece and nephew. As they start to date, Chris realizes her relationship with her dad is affecting how she sees herself and her views on intimate relationships. Though they both share a belief in God, Chris is Catholic and her father doesn’t approve of that. The obstacles they face will either drive them apart or create a very strong foundation.

Come Back to Me is the second book in series and is about Chris’ brother Alan and his wife, Jamie. Alan wants to start thinking about children, but his behavior (being a Dave Matthews roadie) makes her question his ability to follow through and be a stable father. She kicks him out and he goes to live with Chris for a while, but then loses his job and starts making some more decisions, including meeting up with Jamie’s friend, Megan at a bar. Megan has her own issues, but has to face them when her own brother goes to rehab and finds God.

I’ve read one other book by Carolyn Astfalk – Ornamental Graces. She writes Catholic fiction. Her books have a theme of faith, grace and forgiveness. She deals with modern topics and the characters in her book are real – not perfect. It’s refreshing to read faith-based fiction that is true to life. 

I would encourage reading these books back to back as they second continues the story of the first. Readers who enjoy romance, but prefer clean romance, would definitely like these books. 

Do you enjoy faith-based fiction? What are some of your favorites? Share in the comments.

Buy Stay With Me here (affiliate link).

Buy Come Back to Me here (affiliate link).

About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.