
Love-Centered Parenting
Parenting is not easy. There are so many parenting books out there that give advice on what to do and say (or not do and say), but not many address the heart and attitude of a parent. Love-Centered Parenting does focus on having parents take a hard look at their own motivations and encourages them to both evaluate they lies they believe about themselves and then replace them with the truth of being loved by God.

Love-Centered Parenting by Crystal Paine

You Can't Make Me 1
You Can’t Make Me gives a lot of examples and stories from real life, which make the book very relatable. By first explaining how strong-willed children think, a parent gains insight into why the child acts like he or she does. It’s in their nature to fight for a choice in life because deep down, they know they can’t be made to do anything if they’re willing to face the consequences.

You Can’t Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded) by ...

Smart Money, Smart Kids
[sg_popup id=”17″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] “What’s scarier: you teaching them to do it now under your supervision, or them learning it on their own?” Financial advice is something most people could use in some aspect or another. For parenting, it can be a topic that isn’t often broached, but should be, especially […]

Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze