1 Is there any science that can explain teenage behavior? The Clarks explore this idea in Your Teenager is Not Crazy: Understanding Your Teen's Brain Can Make You a Better Parent. Teenagers’ brains are rapidly changing and learning how to process feelings and information. Learning the biology of how teenagers are developing can help parents more readily understand and prepare for the teenage years. Your Teenager is Not Crazy: Understanding Your Teen’s Brain Can ...This entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction parenting on January 21, 2019 by Sarah Anne Carter
1 “Your phone is not your problem. The problem is when we let our phone captivate us so significantly with the unimportant that we ignore the important all around us.” Parents today are raising teenagers in an entirely different world than has ever existed. The connections with the Internet, Wifi, smartphones […] The Teen’s Guide to Social Media: 21 Tips to Wise ...This entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction parenting on November 26, 2018 by Sarah Anne Carter
[sg_popup id=”17″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] “Let’s hope that, over time, we’ll develop a bias, when we have an extra free hour, toward shoveling snow from the elderly neighbor lady’s sidewalk over streaming another Netflix sitcom.” Parenting is not easy in this day and age. However, it can be even harder when parents […] The Vanishing American Adult by Ben SasseThis entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction parenting on June 18, 2018 by Sarah Anne Carter
5 “One of the most powerful things to teenagers is people proving they are devoted to them.” Parenting is hard. Parenting babies is tiring. Parenting toddlers is time-consuming. Parenting children is an adventure. Parenting teenagers is like visiting a different planet. The world teenagers are growing up in today is much […] The Grown-Up’s Guide to Teenage Humans by Josh ShippThis entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction parenting on January 29, 2018 by Sarah Anne Carter
“Are parents today facing issues that would have been unthinkable to their grandparents’ generation? Yep.” Parenting children today is hard. There are so many new situations to deal with, especially with technology. Cell phones, social media, cyberbullying – many of these things our own parents didn’t have to deal with […] Fearless Parenting by George Barna and Jimmy MyersThis entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction parenting on January 12, 2018 by Sarah Anne Carter
3 “Consider first who your child is, how she learns, where she shines. Education is one of several tools to be placed in a box of resources of preparation; it’s not the container of all potential, all destiny, all future. You child is the container.” Parenting is hard and one of […] Raising an Original by Julie Lyles CarrThis entry was posted in Reading and tagged nonfiction parenting Religious on February 20, 2017 by Sarah Anne Carter
“Kids don’t acquire life skills by magic at the stroke of midnight on their eighteenth birthday. Childhood is meant to be the training ground.” Parenting is not easy and, a lot of the time, parents are focused on the short-term (or even just the now), which is taking care of […] How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting ...This entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction parenting on June 27, 2016 by Sarah Anne Carter