Set a mere 19 years in the future, American Omens brings to life an America where Christianity is considered a hateful thing and is slowly being outlawed and made illegal. Books are censored, churches are monitored
“It is testimony to the importance of beer in their story that the brewery was the first permanent building the Pilgrims constructed.” Looking at history through the role beer played reveals how important it was to many countries, including America. Beer was often the safe drink since it was boiled […]
“Thankfully, the Bible has so much more to say about the unique challenges – the heartaches and the high points – of being female.” Finding time for a daily devotional is often a New Year’s resolution. Some books and devotionals can make this resolution easier to follow. Beloved: 365 Devotions […]
“They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” As a survivor of the […]
“We were all tired of existing alone, we all had areas where we needed help, yet not one of us had dared to admit that we were stuck or afraid.” Motherhood – it is hard, it is real, it is tiresome, it is lonely and, yet, it is so worthwhile. […]
“Life is a gift. Each day is precious – and at times fleeting.” We all want to reach our full potential, but we sometimes don’t know how. Finding the right motivation to keep reaching for our dreams can be hard. However, there are some key areas of our lives to […]
“With the frenetic speed of modern life, it’s important to take some intentional time to bond and make lifelong memories.” As a parent, it’s sometimes hard to have something tangible to show your child’s growing up. Baby books are hard to keep up to date and photos are often […]
“In the middle of the messiness of momming, we need to embrace the mission of momming.” Motherhood can be a struggle to all moms at some point. For some of us, it can be daily or even hourly. In The Better Mom, Ruth Schwenk explores how moms should search for […]
[sg_popup id=”17″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] “I was falling in love with him, and the one thing I couldn’t, wouldn’t, do was put him in a position where he had to choose between me and the church he served.” Small decisions can send your life down a path you never thought you’d go […]
“What are the practices – ancient and new – that form us into Christlikeness for the sake of the world?” The Kingdom of God is like a river – an eternal current running through history, according to Aaron Niequist. Through his search for a relationship with God that was relevant […]