We all want to be the best version of ourselves. By looking at our habits and trying to build up good ones and stop bad ones, we can do just that. Atomic Habits is not just about what habits to have and not have, it’s about how to start small and make it easy to do the things you set your mind to do. Atomic Habits by James ClearThis entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction self-help on April 12, 2021 by Sarah Anne Carter
The Lazy Genius Way is chock full of specific examples of how to apply the Lazy Genius philosophy to family life. The book is geared toward women, but all the tips would easily be useful to guys who help around the house, too. The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra AdachiThis entry was posted in Reading and tagged Non-Fiction self-help on January 11, 2021 by Sarah Anne Carter
1 [sg_popup id=”17″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] “A simplified life means that what has to get done will get done. And when we pare down life to its simplest, most beautifully basic parts, we’re left with room to enjoy each other, to rest, and to truly savor life with all our hearts, minds, and […] A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living by Emily ...This entry was posted in Reading and tagged Inspirational self-help on August 27, 2018 by Sarah Anne Carter