Talking With Your Kids About God by Natasha Crain

Talking to Kids About God

“My kids were going to need a lot more from me, and I had to find out what that was.”

When it comes to faith, children all come to a point where they want to dig deeper into the questions surrounding faith. How do we know God is real? How does science work with faith? Is it okay to doubt? Why is there evil? Parents can need help to answer their children’s questions and the first step is educating themselves. Talking With Your Kids About God is a book for parents to learn and dig deep into the questions our children will ask us about faith.

I was looking at the books available from Baker Book Bloggers and saw Talking With Your Kids About God. I thought it would be a good resource to look at so I requested a copy. I received a free copy in exchange for a fair review.

Thirty different questions are covered in Talking With Your Kids About God under the topics of the existence of God, science and God, the nature of God, believing in God and the difference God makes. The book is not watered-down, but really digs into facts, examples and true stories to explain the topic and answer the question. The author even provides key points for each question and a conversation guide for parents for each of the thirty questions.

I will be hanging on to this book because I think it is an excellent resource to have on hand as my children get older and grapple with making their faith their own – even though I have a Biblical Studies degree. I really like the conversation guides. I highly recommend this book for any Christian parent.

Do you need help talking to your kids about faith? What topics do you find the hardest to explain? Comment below!

Buy the book here (affiliate link).

About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.