The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst 2

“Whenever you say yes to something, there is less of you for something else. Make sure your yes is worth the less.”

There is more to life than just saying yes or no to things. Oftentimes, we say yes because we feel we should or we have the time or we don’t want to let others down. In this book, Lysa TerKeurst explores the idea of choosing the “best yes.” The best yes is saying yes to the things that are the most important – finding the best ways to use our time.

I stumbled upon this book about the same time I found The Fringe Hours and I find it quite interesting that I found both books at a time when I am re-evaluating how I spend my time.
TerKeurst is part of Proverbs 31 Ministries, a Christian group that helps support women and mothers. She is very transparent in this book about her own struggles on this issue, so it feels like she is exploring the issue with her reader and not “preaching.” The book is not super short, but can be easily read chapter by chapter over time. Each chapter can stand alone as a small lesson on saying no, stop feeling guilty, figuring out the best yes. She asks readers to count the consequences of saying yes not only to time, but emotions, finances and well-being. Reading this book will not make making decisions easier, per se, but it will make me think about them better and evaluate what to say yes to that is good for my faith, my family and me.

I would highly recommend this book to any busy woman or mother. It would be a good book club or women’s group/Bible study book as there is so much to discuss. I am very glad this book came across my path when it did.

Buy the book here (affiliate link).

About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.