“Somehow all troubles and cares seemed to diminish when you were with the people you loved.“
Gaby wants all her children home for Christmas this year. They haven’t been together since her husband, their father, passed away several years earlier. Gaby has also decided that it’s time for her to do something for herself – get married again. She sends a video announcement to her children announcing she will be married on Christmas day but that the groom will not chosen until that day. At first, all her four children are dismayed, but then they all just know it has to happen the way Gaby wants it to happen – and they’ll all be there to see it in The Christmas Wedding.
I really enjoy reading holiday books during December. I picked up a few during the year at book sales and The Christmas Wedding was in my pile. I was able to check out the audiobook from my library so I could listen to it while I was driving around. It was just under five hours, which is pretty short for most of the audiobooks I listen to.
Each of Gaby’s four children have obstacles to overcome to get to the wedding. A daughter has a husband dealing with the aftermath of having a brain tumor removed. Another daughter is on her last leg with her husband, who is setting a horrible example for their teenage son by getting stoned. Another daughter is realizing the workaholic law firm she’s at isn’t where she should be. Gaby’s son is awaiting word of whether or not his book manuscript will be accepted and published. All their worlds collide as the meet back home for The Christmas Wedding.
This is a very sweet holiday story. I enjoyed the story and the twists. It was interesting to try and guess who the groom was going to be and how each of the children was going to turn out. I haven’t read any of Patterson’s other books to compare, but I would recommend this book to anyone looking for an interesting holiday read with some twists.
Would it take a big event to get you home for Christmas? Share on the blog!