“For the sake of this book, a defining moment is a short experience that is both memorable and meaningful. (‘Short’ is relative here—a month might be a short experience in the span of your life, and a minute might be short in the context of a customer support call.)”
Our lives our made of moments. As the song in Rent says, each year has 525,600 minutes in it and we fill it with the mundane, the exciting and the dreadful. We tend to remember the highs and the lows, but it we don’t have many of those, then the time seems to meld together and we don’t remember much of what happens on a day-to-day basis when we look back. The Power of Moments suggest we need to intentionally create more meaningful moments in our lives to live fully. It can be a simple as using the good China for a birthday meal to making a person’s first day on the job a welcoming event instead of an afterthought.
A friend recommended The Power of Moments to me and I immediately put it on my hold list on the Libby app to get the ebook from my local library. I waited a few weeks before it was available. While I had never heard of the book before, it is being read by many based on the wait time.
The Power of Moments explains that we remember things that impact our lives because they elevate us, give us insights, fill us with pride or help us connect with others. Not every powerful moment is a happy one – many key moments come from hard experiences where we then overcome or learn something about ourselves. The book gives tips on how knowing about the power of moments can help workplaces, personal relationships and even parenting. The book is full of practical thoughts and ideas to become aware of moments and how to more intentionally create moments in our lives.
I will be highly recommending The Power of Moments to many people I know. I have not come across a book yet that focuses on the idea of intentionally creating moments in our lives to not only remember our lives better, but to also experience life more fully. As a parent, I want my children to remember more of the daily moments and will use the tips in this book to create more moments for them, and me. The authors have resources for the book on their Web site at https://heathbrothers.com.
What is the most memorable event in your life? Share on the blog!