“The best countries—and the best societies—are those where citizens are virtuous enough to sacrifice for the common good but unwilling to be forced to sacrifice for the ‘greater’ good.”
How did Western civilization become a place where there is a free exchange of ideas, people can chase their dreams and there is safety and stability? In The Right Side of History, Shapiro goes back and examines how philosophers influenced different time periods to shape the culture the West now enjoys. Mainly a history book, with a focus on how Judeo-Christian values influenced the founding of America, the book is meant to show how understanding the past can help us focus on creating a good future.
I do a pretty good job of staying on top of the news and I heard all the controversy surrounding Shapiro speaking at universities a few years ago. When I heard he had a new book out, I wanted to read it to see more what was behind his thinking. I bought it a while ago and just read it during a road trip.
While there are some good points in The Right Side of History, I read through it pretty quickly. I had learned most of what he covered in my history and philosophy courses in high school and college. However, if there are young adults who don’t have a good overview of history, especially the history of philosophers and their influence, it would be a very interesting read. The book does have a pro Judeo-Christian view, but its historical influence on the founding of Western Civilization is factual.
I would recommend this to high school readers or older who want to have a good grasp on history. I know there is controversy surrounding Shapiro, but The Right Side of History is not about America’s left vs. right. This book is about history and how we got to where we are. It’s important to know your history as you move toward the future.
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