A story of love, loss and hope
It has been just a little more than two months since my book, The Ring, was published. The best part of having a book published is having people read it and then let you know that they enjoyed the book! Thank you to everyone who has let me know your thoughts. Here’s what has been going on with the book since it’s been published.
There are currently two places to leave reviews of the book if you’ve read it – Amazon and Goodreads. Amazon wants books to have 30-50 reviews before it starts moving the book into its mainstream algorithims. There are currently 19 for The Ring and that is great for only two months out. There are five reviews on Goodreads, too. The same review can be posted in both places and it doesn’t have to be long.
Blog posts and giveaway
I was able to write a guest post for AllMomDoes, a mom blog based in Seattle, about how to support military families. I was able to talk about my book in the blog and there is a giveaway for the book on the site, too. The book is set mostly in the Seattle/Tacoma area, so it is a great market for the book.
Read the blog post here: https://www.allmomdoes.com/2019/10/13/ways-to-support-military-families/
I have had one author talk at a local library and it went really well. I am in the midst of scheduling another one with the city library. I have a Meet-the-Author event in late November at a Christmas market about an hour away, too. There is also a bookstore about 30 minutes away where I am scheduling a time to sell and autograph books on a weekend in November. I will look into doing other events as opportunities come up.
I do have an events page if you’re interested: https://sarahannecarter.com/books/events/

My first author talk was at a local library!
Daily marketing
I am trying to make one small contact to a newspaper, magazine, blog or bookstore every day. Since the book is independently published, I have to take an active role in the marketing of it. If you ever come across a place you think would be a good fit for my book, please let me know!
Places to Buy
There are currently four places to buy my book and the first would be in person from me. You can also:
Purchase an autographed copy on my Web site:
It’s very exciting to actually have a book that is published and out there for people to read! For everyone who has take the time to read it – THANK YOU!