“Life is rarely predictable if we’re doing it right.”
Two years after her husband’s death during a deployment, Amanda has decided to raise her children near the beach in a cottage in North Carolina. Her mother wanted her to come home to Ohio, but Amanda feels drawn to follow the dream she and her husband had for their children. While getting settled in, Amanda has to change her plans of starting an herbal salt business to teaching. However, she tries to focus on the children who keep her busy to keep going day after day. Then, a day at the beach changes their lives forever.
The Shell Collector was available on NetGalley to read before the book was published. The plot sounded really interesting so I requested it. However, when I chose to read religious books during Lent, it moved to the bottom of the pile. The book was published May 11 and I finished reading it just a few days before.
Maeve is an older woman who has lived near the beach her whole life. She finds joy in meeting Amanda and her children and they grow close as the summer passes. However, Maeve knows she can’t be around for very much longer. When a chance encounter with an old friend sparks possibilities for Amanda, Maeve encourages Amanda to take a chance with her heart again.
The Shell Collector is a feel-good, easy read. It would be a perfect vacation/beach read. The book shows how we can all have a profound influence on the lives around us even when we think our impact is small. We should be open each day to live life to the fullest. The book has a subtle Christian message with the characters praying throughout the book.
Fans of Debbie Macomber would enjoy The Shell Collector. Readers in their teens and older would enjoy the story and the clean romance of the book.
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