“The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.”
What makes something catch on? Often it’s something small that tips the item, event or information into a larger audience. In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell examines some theories as to what or who can make something go from being a small thing into something huge. He looks at the people who influence, the stickiness of the thing and the context of the thing. He also dives into some case studies that make his case for why these are the ways ideas tend to catch on.
I recently read Gladwell’s book, Talking to Strangers, and found it very thought provoking. I then added the rest of his books to my to-read list. I found The Tipping Point in my pile of to-read books on my shelf and chose it to be my next read. I’m trying to make a big dent in the books I have around the house this year.
For people who influence ideas, Gladwell looks at connectors – people who know people – and mavens – people who know topics inside and out. These people can have great influence over ideas and products. Sesame Street got its fame by examining how “sticky” it was with children and Blue’s Clues took those lessons even a step farther. Stickiness can explain why so many teens still smoke due to the look and how it equates to being cool in their experience. Knowing the context of an idea can also help it “tip.” The environment and amount of people who know about the idea can help it spread. (The magic number seems to be 150.)
The Tipping Point is another fascinating, thought-provoking read by Gladwell. It gives a behind the scenes look at why many things become so popular. It can be handy for those wanting to get ideas and products out to the public, but it can also show you how you are being influenced.
Have you ever been at the beginning of a trend? Share your story in the comments below!