This Is The Day by Tim Tebow 4

“Life is a gift. Each day is precious – and at times fleeting.”

We all want to reach our full potential, but we sometimes don’t know how. Finding the right motivation to keep reaching for our dreams can be hard. However, there are some key areas of our lives to focus on that can help us start on the path to our dreams today. Tim Tebow has accomplished a lot in his life so far and he shares the main tips he has used to help him succeed in This Is The Day: Reclaim Your Dream, Ignite Your Passion, Live Your Purpose.

As a Denver Broncos fan, I have also been a fan of Tim Tebow. I have most recently heard about him with the Night to Shine prom program he sponsors for teens with disabilities when they had one near us. As part of the Multnomah Waterbrook Launch team, I was offered to be a part of This Is The Day’sbook launch. The book is on sale in just a few days on Sept. 25, 2018. I was given a free copy of the books, along with a This Is The Daybracelet (comes with pre-orders of the book) in exchange for a fair review.

In preparation for receiving This Is The Day, I read two of Tebow’s other books – Shakenand Through My Eyes to give me some background on Tebow’s life. Both books gave insight into his career path as an NFL quarterback and how he dealt with the time being cut and not playing in the NFL. His faith is front and center in those books, as it is in This Is The Day.  The book has 12 inspirational chapters, each with a life lesson and stories from Tebow’s life that applies to that lesson. He starts with making sure the people in your life know you love then and ends with making each day count. My favorite chapter was about listening to the right voice. We should make sure we only value the opinion of people who are worthy of evaluating our lives. While the book is inspirational and does have some great tips, it shows most lessons from Tebow’s life in a positive light and doesn’t quite seem real at some points. There were also parts of his life that were referenced to, but not explained, such as leaving baseball to play for the Eagles. A few times, it is assumed you already know Tebow’s whole story, so some parts wouldn’t make sense to people who haven’t followed his entire career.

I would recommend this book to Tebow fans (or at least those who know who he is) and those who want inspiration to chase their dreams. The book does offer questions to ponder at the end of each chapter so the reader can examine his or her own life in regards to that lesson.

What is your most influential life lesson? Share on the blog!

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Open until Sept. 25, 2018!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Buy the book here (affiliate link).

This post was shared on Carolyn Astfalk’s An Open Book.

About Sarah Anne Carter

Sarah Anne Carter is a writer and reader. She grew up all over the world as a military brat and is now putting down roots with her family in Ohio. Family life keeps her busy, but any spare moment is spent reading, writing or thinking about plots for novels.