“Be prepared. The UFO vault is about to be opened …”
Did a UFO really crash at Roswell with aliens on board in 1947? Maybe and maybe not is the best answer anyone can come up with without access to all the government files. The authors of UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson believe that the government is not to be trusted to tell the whole truth. So they went digging and found files and people who shared their personal experiences with them. Some people were willing to talk on the record about what they saw and heard about the Roswell crash remnants being send to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio.
Growing up as an Air Force brat, you hear all the rumors about UFOs. I do not really lean one way or the other on the topic, but I don’t rule anything out. Several years ago, we were in New Mexico for a few months, so we visited Roswell and the museum they have there. It was fascinating. My husband stumbled upon this book and since we live in Ohio, we both wanted to see what it said about Wright-Patterson.
UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson contains some very interesting stories and has a lot of evidence in it that supports the idea that there was a UFO crash at Roswell and that most of the UFO secrets are held at Wright-Patterson. However, the book is slightly dry reading and repetitious at parts. They do talk about three separate UFO crashes, UFO sightings above Air Force bases, military pilots seeing UFOs and metal that can go back to its original shape after being scrunched up.
Readers who either live near Roswell or Wright-Patterson or who have an interest in UFOs and aliens will want to read UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson. The authors have spent decades tracking down information and people and share about all they know in this book.
What do you think about UFOs and aliens? Share in the comments!
Buy UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson here (affiliate link).