“Humankind has an amazing capacity to forgive.”
You may have heard of the Five Love Languages, but have you heard about the Apology Languages? We all do things we need to apologize for, but an effective apology is one that speaks to the person’s heart that we want to forgive us. When Sorry Isn’t Enough goes through the different types of apologies, how to find your apology language and that of your loved ones, and how to deal with the other consequences in life when people hurt you. Forgiveness, trust and counseling are also addressed in the book.
I’ve read several relationship and life books by Gary Chapman and when I saw When Sorry Isn’t Enough available as an audiobook, I checked it out from my local library through Libby. I think I was expecting a book that just covered specific situations, but I found something that covered so much more. When Sorry Isn’t Enough is a great book for any relationship and it has a lot of helpful and useful advice.
When hurt, some people just need a person to say, “I’m sorry.” Others need to hear the person take responsibility. Others need reassurance of love or restitution. Others want to hear a sense of remorse. Still others don’t consider it an apology unless the person asks for forgiveness. Just like the Five Love Languages, the apology you often use is the one you like to hear.
The book gives lots of examples and wording for each of the apology languages. There are questions to ponder and there is a quiz online to find out more about your own apology language (https://www.5lovelanguages.com/profile/apology/). When Sorry Isn’t Enough is a very useful book for parents, friends, siblings, spouses, roommates, teacher – anyone who deals with people at all. I highly recommend it for anyone high school age or older.
What is your apology language? Take the quiz and share on the blog!