“We were all tired of existing alone, we all had areas where we needed help, yet not one of us had dared to admit that we were stuck or afraid.”
Motherhood – it is hard, it is real, it is tiresome, it is lonely and, yet, it is so worthwhile. Every mother struggles in some area or another, although we all often try to present ourselves in ways that make it seem like we’ve got it all put together. What if we were real with each other? What if by sharing our struggles, we could learn to lean on one another and learn from one another? The Brave Art of Motherhood: Fight Fear, Gain Confidence, and Find Yourself Againis all about one mom being real in order to give support to the rest of us. None of us are alone.
As part of the Multnomah Waterbook Launch Team, I was offered the chance to be part of the book launch for The Brave Art of Motherhood. The book sounded very interesting and I’m always looking for books that can help me on my own journey of motherhood. I received a free copy of the book in exchange for a fair review. The book will be released Oct. 9, 2018.
In The Brave Art of Motherhood, Rachel Marie Martin shares her story of starting in a marriage where a cycle of financial troubles never ended, she homeschooled her children but didn’t always have money for food and she never opened the garage to reveal the amount of clutter in it. Once she finally decided to break free, she had to assess how she was going to overcome not just the clutter in the house, but the clutter in her mind, heart and soul. There was the voice of boys calling her “ugly.” There was the lack of hope and faith in a changed future. There was the desire to be seen as a “good mom.” In each chapter of The Brave Art of Motherhood, Martin breaks down how she overcame (and is still overcoming) the obstacles in her life, but she shares in a way that is relatable to any mother. When was the last time we told someone everything was fine when we felt like crying? When was the last time you truly believed the future would get better soon? When was the last time you had the confidence to chase your own dreams – now – not waiting until the children are grown? We all have to make that decision one day that we are going to seize our own lives and live our dreams.
After reading this book, I visited Martin’s blog and looked up more of her story (her van caught on fire and it’s on video). I now follow her on Facebook and Instagram and I don’t do that with many of the authors whose books I read. I’m inspired and I highly recommend this book to every mother. Even young women who aren’t even mother or married should read it to see how to authentically live a life now – and to help avoid some of the motherhood traps if they become mothers.
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Open until Oct. 10, 2018!